JCE Editor

Upload Install

  1. Download the JCE Editor extension package

  2. In the Joomla! Administration, click on System in the main menu, then on Extensions in the Install block.

    Install Menu

  3. Click the Upload Package File tab, then click the Browse for a file button. Select the extension package on your computer. The upload and installation will start automatically.

    Install upload

  4. Set JCE as the default Joomla! WYSIWYG Editor

    In the Joomla! Administration, click on System in the main menu, then on Global Configuration.

    Access the Joomla Global Configuration 

  5. Select Editor - JCE from the Default Editor list.

    Set Editor - JCE as the Default Editor 

  6. Click Save

Manual Installation

Installation may fail on some servers due to technical limitations and a manual installation may be necessary.

  1. Download the JCE Editor extension
  2. Extract the downloaded JCE Editor package to a folder on your hard drive, eg: jce
  3. Upload this folder to the Joomla! tmp folder using an FTP client.
  4. Open the Joomla! Extension Manager and add the name of the folder you uploaded to the end of the Install from Folder path

    Install JCE from a folder on the server
  5.  Click the Check and Install button

For help installing Joomla! components, read the Joomla! Extension Installation guide

Uninstalling JCE

  1. In the Joomla! Administration, go to Components -> JCE Editor Pro -> Profiles
    Navigate to JCE Editor Profiles using the Joomla Menu
  2. Select all profiles in the list by clicking on the Check All Items checkbox, then click the Delete button.
    Select all profiles and click the delete button

To remove JCE but keep existing Editor Profiles, skip steps 1 and 2. Alternatively, export the profiles to be imported into a new install.

  1. n the Joomla! Administration, click on System in the main menu, then on Extensions in the Manage block.
    Click on the Extensions option in the Manage block
  2. Click on the Filter Options button, then select Package from the Select Type menu.
    Select Package from the Select Type list in Search Tools
  3. Select JCE Pro Extension Package and click the Uninstall button.
    Select JCE Pro Extension Package and click the Uninstall button