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#99105 JCE Editor page blank

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Latest post by vicky on Sunday, 07 April 2019 20:58 BST

This is happening in some of my sites. I go to the editor and the page is blank. I try to re-install the latest version and get an error. I clear Joomla cache and the browser cache. Then I am able to re-install it. Having to do this in every site. Does anyone else have this issue?

This is happening in some of my sites. I go to the editor and the page is blank.

Please send me a login to a site where this is happening (and not yet fixed with a re-install) -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Sorry, got busy. I tried to find others and now I haven't. it happened in a few sites and I fixed it by installing the new version. But, I only found those. No new sites so I could show you. maybe it was a simple glitch. Thanks. Have used JCE for years. Couldn't do this without it.

I am having a similar issue. Editor page is displaying OK, but code page is blank with spinning circle, doesn't change or display code. Not fixed by reinstall and clearing caches. I just sent login info. Thank you. Vicky

I am having a similar issue. Editor page is displaying OK, but code page is blank with spinning circle, doesn't change or display code. Not fixed by reinstall and clearing caches. I just sent login info. Thank you. Vicky

@vicky - You had added <br /><br /> to the Extended Elements list in Editor Profiles -> Editor Parameters -> Advanced, which is an invalid value, and was causing the error with the editor in the Code tab.

I have removed this entry on your site and the Code tab is working as expected.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Wow, thanks! I don't remember doing that, but I'm the only one who edits that. Thanks so much!!!