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#115752 Short Editor-xtd Button

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Latest post by Brienois on Thursday, 11 January 2024 11:49 GMT

Pour la construction des articles, j'utilise Page Builder CK de Joomlack qui me donne entière satisfaction.
Depuis les dernières versions, j'ai un petit souci qui me semble venir de JCE.
En effet, que ce soit avec Joomla version 4.2, 4.4.. ou 5.01, le bouton "Show Editor-xtd" n'apparait plus dès que je passe de la version pro 2.9.32 à 2.9.58 de JCE.
Etes vous au courant de ce souci? ou suis-je le seul à avoir ce problème?
Quelle est la solution ?
Merci mille fois

I've added the english translation of your post below (from Google Translate) so other users might participate in this thread:
For the construction of articles, I use Page Builder CK from Joomlack which gives me complete satisfaction.
Since the latest versions, I have a small problem which seems to come from JCE.
Indeed, whether with Joomla version 4.2, 4.4.. or 5.01, the "Show Editor-xtd" button no longer appears as soon as I go from pro version 2.9.32 to 2.9.58 of JCE.
Are you aware of this problem? Or am I the only one having this problem?
What is the solution ?

Are you referring to the editor-xtd buttons usually rendered below the editor, or the list of buttons in the editor toolbar when the Joomla button is added to the editor toolbar?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

I'm referring to the list of editor bar buttons (see attached screenshots)


Good morning
I carried out tests with the different versions of JCE
The problem occurs when upgrading from version 2.9.41 to version 2.9.50
If that can help you..
Thank you so much and have a nice day

Please try JCE Pro 2.9.59 Beta 4 -

This is not actually a JCE issue but the result of how PageBuilder CK creates dynamic editor instances.
A recent JCE update fixed an issue where multiple editors on the page would result in issues when using the Joomla "editor-xtd" button in the editor toolbar. PageBuilder CK includes code to update editor-xtd instances when creating a core Tinzmce editor, but the same code does not apply to JCE.

This beta adds a similar "fix" for JCE and PageBuilder CK. Please note that this might not be a permanent inclusion, and I would hope that the PageBuilder CK developers implement this fix on their side instead.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Good morning
I just installed the BETA 4 version on one of the affected sites and it works perfectly
Thank you for your responsiveness
I will forward your response to Page Builder CK Developer
Thanks again