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#115467 JCE stripping some html and css

Posted in ‘Editor’
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Latest post by ex34mush on Tuesday, 05 December 2023 12:10 GMT

I have been using JCE for some years and find it an excellent Joomla tool. Up to now it has been able to do all I wanted, but I am now trying to sort out a problem I have not encountered before.
I am trying to use the RSJoomla RSMail! extension to create responsive emails. I am doing this by opening a template I have acquired in MS Notepad and copying and pasting the code into the Code tab of the editor (RSMail is using JCE 2.9.55 Pro). However, when I save the file I find much of the code has been stripped out.
My Editor Global Config is set to Validate HTML=Yes, Doctype=Mixed. In the Joomla Global Config Text Filter Tab I have my SuperUser text filtering set to 'No filtering'
After saving the file I find it works as an email, but has lost all of its responsive characteristics.
I attach a copy of the html I am working with for reference.
Your help would be much appreciated.
Alan Bannister


You can only edit HTML within the tag of this email code, ie: the contents of and including the
tag in your example code.

Ideally the Newsletter extension should be providing you with tools to edit the content, as this is specific to the email newsletter.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Thanks for getting back to me. I presume the constraint of editing within the <body> tag is imposed by JCE rather than some fundamental restriction elsewhere with Joomla.
I wonder if you could explain the reason? The need to create responsive emails is overwhelming and as someone with limited expertise in the relevant CSS I am very much dependent on external support such as bought-in templates.
In the meantime I will reluctantly need to experiment with alternative editors to see if that will provide a workaround.

I presume the constraint of editing within the tag is imposed by JCE rather than some fundamental restriction elsewhere with Joomla.

It's not a restriction, but the fundamental way in which WYSIWYG editors in CMS systems work. Content is edited within the tag of the editor, so you cannot add another whole HTML document within this.

I wonder if you could explain the reason? The need to create responsive emails is overwhelming and as someone with limited expertise in the relevant CSS I am very much dependent on external support such as bought-in templates.

This is a very specific use case, within the context of a specific extension type, not general content editing for a website, for which JCE and most other WYSIWYG editors in CMS systems is designed.

It baffles me why these email / newsletter extensions don't deal with this themselves, by having additional editing options for adding data for the email structure outside of the email content (data within the tag of the email).

In the meantime I will reluctantly need to experiment with alternative editors to see if that will provide a workaround.

Your'e not going to find this within Joomla, as the default editor does'nt support this either. You could use the CodeMirror option to edit rthe HTML by hand.

I do have a plugin I am adapting that does allow editing of the content within the tag, but this will only be available in a few week.s

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Thank you again. It does seem as though there are a stack of issues with generating well formatted email - not to mention the various implementations of html and css between email clients. Browsers seem to have got closer to standardising in recent years but email has to catch up.
I have now tried CodeMirror as you suggested and the good news is it does the trick in terms of me editing within the RSMail extension and creating a responsive email, but it's a step back 20 years having to hand craft the code!
I would certainly be interested in any tools you were considering that allowed the contents of the <head> tag to be edited separately from <body>