Uploading and resizing multiple images

When creating content, it is often practical to upload all the images that are to be used in one go, and insert them as required.

Images can also be resized on upload, and different sized versions of each image created at the same time.

This is a simple process in JCE Pro, done using the Image Manager Extended. The same features are also available in the File Manager and File Browser.

Uploading multiple images

With the Image Manager Extended window open, click on the Upload button   to open the upload dialog.

Click the  button and select the files to upload.

Select Images to upload

With the images added to the upload queue, you can now rename each image if required, or remove and image from the queue by clicking the delete button next to each item.

Additional images can added to the queue using the same procedure as above.

Edit the upload queue

 Click the  button to upload the images. When the queue has finished uploading without errors, the upload dialog will close.

Resizing Multiple Images on Upload

If you require the images to be resized on upload, you can set resize dimensions for all the images in the Image Options box.

Check the Resize box to enable the option. Adjust the width and height values as required. To resize by width or height only, uncheck the Proportional box and delete the value you don't require.

The image will be resized proportionally to fit within a box the size of the dimensions you have set. It will not be cropped or stretched to fit the box, so it may not fit the dimensions exactly.

To create different sized versions of an image, click the plus button to add a new set of Resize options. Add a Suffix value to give each version a unique name, eg: -640

For each resize option with a Suffix, a new image will be created. If the option does not use a suffix, then the original image will be resized to the dimensions set for that option. If all the resize options use a suffix, as in our example below, then the original image will be uploaded without resizing, and additional resized versions of the image created.

Resize all images on upload

Setting resize values for each image

Each individual image can also have resize options set. These will override the options set in the Image Options box. Clicking the cog icon  for each image item will toggle the resize options for that image.

In the example below, all images are set to be resized to 640 x 480. The robin image is set to be resized to a width of 800.

Resize options for each image


These features, and many more, are available with a JCE Pro Subscription.