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#102972 How can I show a pdf in the latest version of the jce?

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Latest post by Ryan on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 20:00 BST

Monique Jansen
How can I show a pdf in the latest version of the jce?

This is best done with the File Manager, which can either create a link to the pdf, or embed it in the article using an iframe.

To do this, click on the File Manager button (if the button is not in your editor toolbar, you can add it in Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout. Please see -

Select your pdf file by clicking on it's name, then set the Format option to IFrame.

Set a width and a height for the iframe, and any other options you requires, and click the Insert button.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

The screenshot you included in your email is of the default Tinymce editor.

Please see step 4 of the installation instructions -

Please do not reply to the notifcation emails sent to you. Only reply to threads in this forum.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

I'm trying to show an embedded pdf using JCE, however after embedding the pdf tries to loads in the browser. I get a dialogue box open up by firefox asking how I want to open the file. I want it to show in the actual article. How can I do this?


[quotePost id="106919"]I'm trying to show an embedded pdf using JCE, however after embedding the pdf tries to loads in the browser. I get a dialogue box open up by firefox asking how I want to open the file. I want it to show in the actual article. How can I do this?


Actually, it turns out that it is a browser issue. It seems to work perfectly in Chrome, but firefox downloads the article. Any help would still be much appreciated, though.

Actually, it turns out that it is a browser issue. It seems to work perfectly in Chrome, but firefox downloads the article. Any help would still be much appreciated, though.

This is because of Firefox Applications settings.

In Firefox Preferences, search for "pdf" then set the Portable Document Format Content Type to Open in Firefox.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hi - PDF in iFrame is a great solution.
To this a question: it is possible, that i can a function, that the last uploaded pdf in a folder will show?

To this a question: it is possible, that i can a function, that the last uploaded pdf in a folder will show?

Can you explain further?

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

Hi Ryan
Yes - i have this situation:
I have a folder. Here a user uploads a magazine as a PDF (approx. Every two months). The PDFs are saved on the server as follows:

and so on ...

Now my question is whether you could always automatically display the latest PDF in the iframe, so that the PDF cannot be manually uploaded to the module or module every time you upload it. needs to be adjusted in JCE.

No, JCE does not create or update dynamic content in this way. There may be an extension on the JED that process media folders for display -

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

OK - yes, i have easyfolderlisting pro - but, here is only show the file/name, not the pdf himself.
but thank you...

Hi, i tried the shown way. I have the same issue in FF. The browser directly starts to save the file. If i do it with TinyMCE everything works fine, also in FF. The code TinyMCE generates and works like charme looks like this:

<p><object data="images/<URL-to-PDF.pdf>" type="application/pdf" width="600" height="400">
  Es gibt kein pdf-Plugin, es kann <a download="" href="<URL-to-PDF.pdf>"> die pdf-Datei heruntergeladen werden.</a></object></p>
I will try to make a snippet (with a RegularLabs Extension) to embed it with JCE. :-) As a workaround. Best regards Niko

Hi, i tried the shown way. I have the same issue in FF. The browser directly starts to save the file. If i do it with TinyMCE everything works fine, also in FF.
The code TinyMCE generates and works like charme looks like this:

I'm working on updating the File Manager to use the tag for embedding some file types (such as pdf) for the next update.

Ryan Demmer

Lead Developer / CEO / CTO

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get you.

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