Editor Parameters

Parameters in the Editor Parameters Tab set the basic features of the editor for this profile. The settings are divided into 4 sections: Cleanup & Output, Typography, Filesystem and Advacned.

Cleanup & Output

Relative URLs

Use relative urls for images, links etc. Default value of Yes is recommended. Set to No when using the editor with a newsletter component.

Validate HTML

Set to Yes (recommended) to format and cleanup content based on the Doctype selected below. If Inherit is selected the Global Configuration settings for this parameter will be used.


Doctype to validate HTML with (if Validate HTML is set to Yes)

  • HTML4 : Validate using the HTML4 Transitional specification
  • HTML5 : Validate using the HTML5 specification
  • Mixed : Validate using a combination of the HTML4 and HTML5 specification
  • Inherit : Use the Doctype set in the Global Configuration


Container Element & Enter Key

Select Container Element and Enter Key behaviour :

  • Paragraph Container & Paragraph on Enter
    All Text and non-block elements will be wrapped in a Paragraph, and pressing the Enter key will create a new Paragraph. SHIFT+Enter creates a linebreak.
  • Div Container & Div on Enter
    All Text and non-block elements will be wrapped in a DIV, and pressing the Enter key will create a new DIV. SHIFT+Enter creates a linebreak.
  • No Container & Paragraph on Enter
    Text and non-block elements will not be wrapped. Pressing the Enter key will create a new Paragraph. SHIFT+Enter creates a linebreak.
  • No Container & Linebreak on Enter
    Text and non-block elements will not be wrapped. Pressing the Enter key will create a linebreak. SHIFT+Enter creates a paragraph.
  • Inherit (Default)
    Use Global Configuration settings.
Editor Styles

Specify how to integrate the Custom CSS files and Custom Styles with the Editor Styles set in the Editor Global Configuration.

  • Add - Add the Custom CSS Files to the Editor Styles. Add the Custom Styles to the Styles list.
  • Overwrite - Replace the Editor Styles with the Custom CSS Files and Custom Styles.
  • Inherit - Use the Editor Styles set in the Editor Global Configuration only (Default)
Custom Colours

A comma separated list of colours to be used by the ColourPicker, in Hex format, eg: #ff0000.


This section sets global options for plugins like the Image Manager.

File Directory Path

Relative path to file directory. Defaults to images if left blank. This path can contain the variables :

  • $id - Will be replaced with the user ID
  • $username - Will be replaced with the user username
  • $usertype - Will be replaced with the user usertype eg: author
  • $profile - Will be replaced with the profile name
  • $year - Will be replaced with current year, eg: 2010
  • $month - Will be replaced with current month number, eg: 06
  • $day - Will be replaced with the day number, eg: 10
Directory Filter

Remove or restrict access to the following folders in the File Directory Path. Values with a leading + character will allow access to the folder, values without will remove access to them.


Select the filesystem to use. The default is the Joomla! filesystem. 

Allow Root Access

If the Joomla filesystem is selected, this will allow access to the Filesystem root directory. Setting this option to Yes will ignore any value set in the File Directory Path. This is not recommended for security reasons. If set to No and if the File Directory Path value is blank, the File Directory Path will default to images.

Upload file size (KB)

Maximum allowed size in kilobytes of uploaded files. Cannot be greater than the listed Server Upload Size. Default value is 1024 KB.

Upload Conflict Action

Select the action for dealing with upload conflicts (where a file of the same name as the uploaded file already exists in the target folder)

File Browser Position

Position of the File Browser in the plugin dialog. 

Folder Tree

Show or hide the Folder Tree view in the File Browser. 

File Browser List Size

Number of files and folders to display in the File Browser list.

Validate Mimetype

Set whether the mimetype of uploaded files should be checked and validated against the file extension.

Websafe File Names

Format to use when creating websafe file and folder names. UTF-8 will allow full UTF-8 characters and A-Za-z0-9._-~ in the name, ASCII will convert some UTF-8 Latin characters into ASCII equivalents, eg: ë -> e, õ -> o etc. and will only allow A-Za-z0-9._-~ characters in the name.

Allow spaces in file/folder names

Set to Yes to allow spaces in file and folder names or select a character to use as a replacement for the space.

Text Case

Select the text case to use for file/folder names.

Random upload file name

Append a 5 character random string to the name of uploaded files, eg: fish.jpg might become fish_7qG2B.jpg

Date Format

Date Format to use when displaying the Modified date of Files and Folders, eg: %d/%m/%Y, %H:%M will display as 13/12/1984, 14:00

Total Files Limit

Set a limit on the total number of files the File Directory Path can contain (including all sub-folders), eg: 50. Uploads will be restricted when this limit it reached. Leave blank for no limit.

Total File Size Limit

Set a limit on the total size the File Directory Path can be, in Mb, eg: 10. Uploads will be restricted when this limit it reached. Leave blank for no limit.

View Mode

View items in the File Browser list as text items or thumbnail icons.

Cache Icons

Cache File Browser icons to speed up loading of the file list when in Image modes. Caching requires at least 32MB of available PHP memory. Disable this option if icons don't display.

Cache Folder

Folder for File Browser Icons cache and for temp images produced by the Image Editor. Default is Joomla! tmp folder. Must be writeable. Will be created if it does not exist.

Cache Size (MB)

Maximum size of the cache folder in MB

Cache Age (Days)

Maximum lifetime of a cache file in days

Cache File Limit

Maximum number of files in the cache folder.


Image Editing

Remove Image EXIF data

Remove image EXIF data from uploaded JPEG and PNG files

Upload Quality (%)

Default JPEG quality for uploaded images

Use IMagick if available

Use PHP Imagick for image processing if available (recommended), alternatively use PHP GD.

Resample Image

Resample images to 72dpi when resizing and editing (Only applies when IMagick is used)

Upload Resize Options

Show Resizing options in the Upload dialog

Upload Resize State

Set the state of the Resize Option in the Upload dialog

Resize Width (px)

Default Resize Width value. Click the plus button to add multipe values. Click the remove (trash) button to remove a value.

Resize Height (px)

Default Resize Height value. Click the plus button to add multipe values. Click the remove (trash) button to remove a value.

Resize Quality (%)

Default Resize JPEG quality

Crop to Fit

Resized images will be cropped to fit within the resize dimensions.

Resize Presets

List of preset values for the Resize options in the Image Editor. Values should be in the format width x height separated by a comma.

Crop Presets

List of preset values for the Crop options in the Image Editor. Values can be a ratio, eg: 4:3 or width x height, separated by a comma.


Upload Thumbnail Options

Show Thumbnail options in the Upload dialog

Upload Thumbnail State

Set the state of the Thumbnail Option in the Upload dialog

Crop Upload Thumbnail

Thumbnails will be cropped to fit within the thumbnail dimensions. Thumbnail width and height must both be set.

Thumbnail Width

Default width of a thumbnail

Thumbnail Height

Default height of a thumbnail

Thumbnail Quality (%)

Default thumbnail JPEG quality

Thumbnail Folder

Folder in each directory where thumbnails are stored

Thumbnail Prefix / Suffix

The prefix or suffix that identifies a file as a thumbnail, where $ is the image name, eg: $_thumb or thumb_$


Default Upload State

The default Watermark option state when uploading.

Show Upload Option

Show the Watermark option in the Upload dialog.


Type of watermark - image or text


Text to use for the watermark, eg: © Copyright 2012 Joe Public

Font Style

Select a Font or specify the path (relative to the Joomla! Root folder) to a font file, eg: media/fonts/myfont.ttf

Note: Liberation Sans is a free (GPL2 licensed) substitute for Arial. Other Liberation fonts are available.

Font Size

Font size for the watermark in pixels or points, eg: 36 or 36px or 36pt

Text Colour

Colour of the watermark text in hex format, eg: #FFFFFF


Position of the watermark on the target image


Opacity of the watermark (lower values create more transparent watermarks), eg: 50


Margin around the edge of the watermark where it is adjacent to the target image edge

Text Editor

Toggle Code Highlighting

Set Syntax Highlighting (source code colouring) on by default

Line Numbers

Show Line Numbers (only if Syntax Highlighting is on)

Toggle Word Wrap

Wrap lines that extend beyond the editor width

Format HTML

Format and indent code when the editor is initialised

Tag Closing

Enable automatic tag closing. When enabled creating a new tag will automatically create the corresponding closing tag (where applicable). eg:


Syntax Highlighter Theme

Font Size

Font Size for the editor window and gutter.


Prohibited Elements

Comma separated list of prohibited elements. For security purposes the following elements will always be removed unless an appropriate plugin or configuration setting is installed or enabled - applet, iframe, object, embed, script, style, body, bgsound, base, basefont, frame, frameset, head, html, id, ilayer, layer, link, meta, name, title, xml. Only applies if Cleanup HTML is Yes

Prohibited Attributes

Comma separated list of prohibited attributes, eg: dynsrc,lowsrc. Can accept regular expression values, eg: on([a-z]+) will remove all event attributes (onclick, onmouseover etc.). Only applies if Cleanup HTML is Yes

Prohibited Attribute Values

Comma separated list of prohibited attribute values in the CSS Attribute Selector format, eg: img[title='test'] will remove the title attribute value from all img tags with the value "test".
Accepts the CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 Attribute Selectors :

  • Attribute starts with value : tag[name^='value']
    eg: img[src='data:image'] will remove all base64 encoded paths from img src attributes
  • Attribute equals value : tag[name='value']
  • Attribute is not equal to value : name!='value'
  • Attribute ends with value : tag[name$='value']
    eg: img[src$='.jpg'] will remove all img src values that contain paths with the .jpg extension

Only applies if Cleanup HTML is Yes

Extended Elements

Extend functionality by adding in extra elements here, in the form element[attribute1|attribute2], separated by a comma, eg: em[id|title|class],i[id|title|class]. Elements added here will be removed from the Prohibited Elements list. Only applies if Cleanup HTML is Yes

Validate Styles

Allow only a valid CSS syntax for the style atttribute value on all elements.

Allow Javascript

Allow Javascript code insertion in the source code tab

Allow CSS

Allow CSS code (style elements) in the source code tab

Allow PHP

Allow PHP code insertion in the source code tab. If Yes, full support may require an additional frontend content or system plugin to be installed.

Word Count Limit

When a limit above 0 is set, the Word Count will display the number of words of the limit remaining, showing a negative number when limit is exceeded. Set as 0 for no limit.

Word Count Alert

Show an alert message when the word count limit is reached.

Object Resizing

Allow media objects - images, video, tables - to be drag resized in the editor window