Global Configuration

The Global Configuration, as the name implies, are settings that are applied to all editor instances, regardless of any Profile parameters. Some options,  such as Editor Styles, can be overridden in a Profile

Validate HTML

Set to Yes (recommended) to format and cleanup content based on the Doctype selected below.


Doctype to validate HTML with (if Validate HTML is set to Yes)

HTML4 - Validate using the HTML4 Transitional specification
HTML5 - Validate using the HTML5 specification
Mixed - Validate using a combination of the HTML4 and HTML5 specification

Entity Encoding

Entity encoding method to be used by the editor. The default is UTF-8.

Keep non-breaking spaces

When Entity Encoding is set to UTF-8, convert UTF-8 spaces to non-breaking spaces (recommended)

Pad Empty Tags

By default, some empty tags (p, h1-6, pre, div, address, caption) are padded with a non-breaking space so they maintain there structure when rendered by the browser. Without the space, some browsers would not render the tags correctly unless additional css is used.

Set this option to No to remove the non-breaking space when the editor is toggled or the content is saved.

Container Element & Enter Key

Select Container Element and Enter Key behaviour :

Paragraph Container & Paragraph on Enter (Default)
All Text and non-block elements will be wrapped in a Paragraph, and pressing the Enter key will create a new Paragraph. SHIFT+Enter creates a linebreak.
Div Container & Div on Enter
All Text and non-block elements will be wrapped in a DIV, and pressing the Enter key will create a new DIV. SHIFT+Enter creates a linebreak.
No Container & Paragraph on Enter
Text and non-block elements will not be wrapped. Pressing the Enter key will create a new Paragraph. SHIFT+Enter creates a linebreak.
No Container & Linebreak on Enter
Text and non-block elements will not be wrapped. Pressing the Enter key will create a linebreak. SHIFT+Enter creates a paragraph.

High Contrast Mode

Forces a high contrast styling of editor content with left aligned, black text on a white background. Set to Auto to detect whether this is neccessary based on the contrast of the background colour and body text colour.

Editor Styles

CSS file to use for editor content styling and Styles list options

Template CSS file
Use the default css file (template.css or template_css.css) of your Joomla! template
Custom CSS File
Use a custom CSS file specified in the Custom CSS File field
Use default JCE Editor styles

Editor Class

A css class name, or list of css class names (separated by a space) to be applied to the editor content area. eg: content-area

Compress Javascript

Combine and compress all editor javascript files to speed up loading.

Compress CSS

Combine and compress editor css files to speed up loading.

Enforce Cache Validation

Dynamically generated content - like these compressed files - are not automatically cached by the browser. Enforced Cache Validation creates a mechanism by which the browser can identify if the content has changed, and therefore whether it should be cached, or whether an existing cached version should be used.

Use Cookies

Allow cookies for storing function states eg: editor on / off and plugins current directory. Default is Yes.

Custom Configuration Variables

Custom variables to set or override settings for the editor.